With back-to-school spending reaching a staggering $83.6 billion, a more than 10 percent increase from last year’s $75.8 billion, it's no surprise that this season is one of the biggest opportunities for retailers, second only to winter holiday sales. The National Retail Federation (NRF) consistently highlights the importance of this period, especially with apparel and electronics leading the charge. If you're running a consignment shop, this is your time to shine! By preparing early and getting ahead of the game, you'll be at the forefront of parents' and shoppers' minds when they start ticking off their back-to-school lists.

1. Maximize Tax-Exempt Weekends

One of the best ways to boost your sales during this season is to take full advantage of tax-exempt weekends. Many states offer Sales Tax Holidays specifically around the back-to-school season, where specific items are tax-free. These weekends are a golden opportunity for shoppers looking to save and for you to draw in more customers.

Start by checking the details of your state's tax-exempt weekends—the eligible items, the dates, and any other restrictions. Then, align your inventory and marketing to match these dates. Highlight these savings in your promotions, and consider offering special discounts or bundle deals that coincide with tax-free items. The goal is to create a sense of urgency and exclusivity that shoppers won’t want to miss out on.

2. Cater to the College Crowd

Did you know that a significant portion of back-to-school spending—over $3 of every $5—is aimed at college students? Millennials and Gen Z students heading off to college are looking for value, but they also love trendy, unique finds. This is where your consignment shop can really stand out.

Consider offering 2-for-1 deals or bundling items that are perfect for dorm life. Partner with local hair and nail salons to create cross-promotional deals—think free services with a purchase over a certain amount. Hosting events like a college fashion show can also draw in this crowd. Make it a fun, social experience with giveaways, discounts for future purchases, and refreshments.

If your shop includes furniture, set up a dedicated dorm and apartment-sized furnishings section. Highlight items like retro lamps, small desks, and storage solutions that are functional and stylish. Consider offering workshops or DIY classes on budget-friendly decorating tips, which can be a huge draw for students on a tight budget.

3. Think Beyond Students—Parents and Teachers Matter Too!

While students are the primary focus during the back-to-school season, parents and teachers are also in the market for deals. Think creatively about how you can appeal to these critical groups.

For teachers, offer a special discount or set up a promotion that helps them prepare their classrooms. You could even partner with a local school to adopt a class, collecting school supplies or offering gift cards for classroom essentials.

On the other hand, parents might appreciate a bit of relaxation as the school year ramps up. Hosting a wine and cheese evening, for example, could be a great way for parents to unwind while shopping for themselves or their kids. It’s a chance to build community and loyalty and introduce them to the new items in your store.

4. Embrace School Spirit and Local Pride

School spirit is a big deal, and you can absolutely tap into it at your consignment shop. Almost every school, from elementary to college, has Spirit Days, mascots, and other traditions that unite the community.

Why not sponsor a local sports team or participate in school events? Whether you sell school-themed items, offer discounts for wearing school colors, or run contests where local schools compete, these activities can help build a strong connection between your store and the community.

Social media is your best friend here—use it to amplify these efforts, share stories, and create buzz around your shop’s involvement with local schools. Encourage customers to share their school spirit by tagging your shop in their posts, offering them a discount or a small gift in return.

Final Thoughts

As the back-to-school season kicks off, remember that your consignment shop is uniquely positioned to offer both value and a personal touch. By planning ahead and tapping into these strategies, you can boost your sales and create lasting relationships with customers that go well beyond the school year. Here's to a successful and rewarding back-to-school season in 2024!